Hey, I'm Marius.

I'm not a designer.

But I do like to make stuff

About Me

I'm a 2nd year BS Computer Science student in the University of the Philippines-Diliman. Currently, I am part of UP Association of Computer Science Majors (UP CURSOR) as well as the IT committee of the UP Career Assistance Program for Engineering Students (UP CAPES).

I have a passion for creating and seeing things I make come to life. However, I do admit that I do not have a designer's eye, so I tend to stick with more practical, less visually-demanding personal projects. Despite that, I am currently learning web development and this website is a culmination of that.

I haven't had any professional experience yet in the field, but I'm looking for opportunities to gain some. If you know of any, please let me know!


Here are some of the stuff I've done in the past.

Twitter Mis/Disinfo Analysis


This is our group's output for our data science class in UP Diliman. We were tasked to analyse tweets which contained misinformation or disinformation regarding a topic of our choice, in our case, the red-tagging of Chad Booc. This website is the result of our research, which included all the steps from the start of scraping tweets to the final analysis of the data.

GitHub Repository

This Website


This website is my first real (and functional) website made outside of academics, essentially acting as my portfolio. It's built using Astro, the hot new web framework at the time of coding, with a few touches of React.js here and there.

GitHub Repository

CRS-RUPP Integration


A prototype browser extension I made to help during my school's preenlistment period. It integrates old RUPP data with the CRS preenlistment module, allowing students to easily visually identify which instructors were highly rated by students in the past.

GitHub Repository

Katheryne Discord Bot


A custom bot I made for my friend group's Genshin Impact Discord server. Her features include: automatic UID verification, role assignment, resin and parametric transformer tracking, gacha chance calculator, as well as other administrative functions. It is built using the Discord.js library with the database hosted at MongoDB Atlas.



A website created for our Grade 11 CS class, with the goal of using JavaScript in making dynamic websites. Inspired by our STSE class, I and two of my friends decided to make an advocacy website targeting the restoration of forests, particularly in the Philippines. It features a side-scrolling page with a parallax background, as well as a simple random trivia generator in one of the pages within.

Website (Hosted on GitHub)
GitHub Repository

Solar System Visualiser


Our Grade 10 Computer Science group project in high school which was supposed to show everything we've learned regarding HTML and CSS. My group decided to include JavaScript into the mix and got a good solar system information website. It features a simple animated SVG map of the solar system and basic information regarding the Sun and planets (including Pluto).

GitHub Repository



A web application I made for our supposed thesis in Grade 11. It's a web-based grade portal for UPIS students, with the goal of making the process of viewing grades easier. It features a simple login system, a grade viewing page, and announcements. It is built using PHP, with the database hosted at MySQL. Unfortunately, due to the COVID pandemic, the thesis was cancelled and I was not able to finish it.

GitHub Repository